G DATA Mobile Internet Security

1. G DATA Mobile Security - Lizenz registrieren* (benötigt):

Nach der Lizenzregistrierung können Sie den Download für das entsprechende Mobil-Gerät durchführen.

*Sie erhalten nach der erfolgreichen Aktivierung eine Email mit Ihren G DATA Konto Zugangsdaten!
Diese Zugangsdaten benutzen Sie bei der Registrierung des Kontos in der G DATA App NACH der Installation.

2. Alternativ finden Sie hier den APK - Download zur manuellen Installation ohne Play Store: apk Download:

4. G DATA Mobile Security Handbuch:


Additional Software (if necessary)

- 7-zip file compression software (multilingual)

- Teamviewer Quick Remote Control (QS)


For some products we provide an executable EXE file for installation. Download this and install your product.
For some products a direct download from the manufacturer is not possible. In such case you can create a free account with the manufacturer's online service, log in there, add / register / activate the serial number * and then download the software from this account.
If you have technical questions about the installation, please contact our customer support. Alternatively, please do contact the technical support of the respective manufacturer directly .

* Some suppliers also refer to the serial number as a license number, activation key, sales number or license code, etc.