- -Schutz vor Viren und Malware
- -Schutz vor Online-Bedrohungen
- -WLAN-Schwachstellenscanner
- -PRO: WLAN-Eindringlingen das Handwerk legen
- -PRO: Ransomware einen Riegel vorschieben
NOTE: In order to activate and use the license, registering an account with the manufacturer is obligatory.
Avast! Security Pro for Mac
- -Schutz vor Viren und Malware
- -Schutz vor Online-Bedrohungen
- -WLAN-Schwachstellenscanner
- -PRO: WLAN-Eindringlingen das Handwerk legen
- -PRO: Ransomware einen Riegel vorschieben
NOTE: In order to activate and use the license, registering an account with the manufacturer is obligatory.
License: | Avast! Security Pro for Mac |
Version: | Vollversion |
Quantity: | für 1 Mac (nur Mac) |
Runtime: | 1 Jahr (starting with first activation, NOT with purchase!) |
Systems: | MacOS 10.9+ |
Region & Language: | Valid for all available languages; for EU-Region, inkl. Norway, Island and Switzerland. |
Download: | offizielle Download direkt vom Hersteller |
Quality: | Sichere Ware aus europäischen Distributionsquellen |
Avast Licence for activation (by e-mail)
Access to installation files through the manufacturer. NO BOX/CD/DVD/PKC is being shipped!
Manual in electronic form ( in available languages)
Proper invoice by e-mail
Invoices with license are normally sent to your Email within 60 minutes after payment received.
That's how you'll get your items:
Invoice incl. product key and download option will be sent via e-mail to the provided e-mail address.
Please do check your inboxincl. SPAM folder, to save time for yourself and for us.
Thank you very much!
Blockiert Bedrohungen
Blockiert Mac Gefahren
Vollständiger Scan
Scannt Ihren Mac und beseitigt Bösartiges
Scannt alle externen Laufwerke
Geplanter Scan
Planen Sie genau wann intensiv geprüft werden soll
Bleiben Sie informiert mit personalisierten Sicherheitsberichten alle 30 Tage
Sicherheitsupdates und neue Funktionsupdates automatisch
Blockiert gefährliche Downloads und gefährliche Websites
Verhindert den Empfang oder Versand gefährlicher Anhänge
Online Security
Erkennt unsere Webseiten und Blockiert Werbetracker
Erkennt Schwachstellen in Ihrem WLAN
Ransomware aufhalten
Verhindert die Verschlüsselung Ihrer Dateien
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All copyrights, trademarks, and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners; here it is Avast. Any mention of trademark names, brands or reference to any commercial organisations is for information only. It does not imply any affiliation of this listing with the trademark owner. The use of a trademark names to describe the products being offered for sale by our company and should not in any way infer directly or indirectly any affiliation with the owner of these trademarks. All images, text, custom graphics, button icons, the collection and compilation and assembly thereof, and the overall look and distinctiveness of this site constitute trade dress and are our property.